giovedì 24 gennaio 2019

What is a strange spider ?

This spider runs on a Raspberry PI3, attached to the GPIO:

In the specific it uses I2C and Analogic pins.

I2C is used with different peripherals devices setup with different I2C addresses.

Purposes of the I2C devices are 2:

Collect digital inputs:

I will use this board

IO Pi Plus

Control servo motors via PWM:

To power the Raspberry PI there are different ways:

To avoid to bypass the best way to power the board up, I need to go through the micro usb. With a proper connector. So I can buy a cable at the shop close to home and cut out the "big usb" to have access to the Vcc +5V and GND wires I need. I will connect to a BEC serving 5V at 2Amp current.
A sperated BEC will be required at the same Vcc but higher current as I need it for servos and other loads, that cannot take current from the digital signals pins directly.

Overall design draft will be as per the pen made draw below:

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